Berita Kehamilanku

>> Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Hehehe……..kalo Q ingat ingat kembali jd pngn ketawa geli deh gimana enggak, pangalaman pertama Q hamil sangat sulit untuk aku lupakan dan agak sedikit lucu critanya hehehe………….
Begini nih awal ceritanya saat itu aku masih di kantor and Q crita2 ma tmn Q kenapa yah aku udah lambat 2 minggu aku belum dpat datang bulan jua iseng2 toe teman Q nyuruh Q beli test pack kehamilan geto….. tapi aku agak sedikit gak percaya kalo aku beneran akan hamil owh nononono………..eitsss, jangan dulu Q kan belon merit lalu gimana bisa hamil????????????? ohh ….. (OMG) Q gak mauuuuu ntar dibilang MBA hihihihi………..tapi bukan MBA gelar sarjana yach tapi MBA nya ( merit by accident ) getooooo khan malu pisan Q…………he, sepulang dari kantor iseng toe Q beli test pack yah yang agak murah lah sedikit harganya gak usah yang mahal mahal amat toh hasilnya ntr jua sama aja menurut Q, pas Q di apotik Q nanya ma penjaga apotiknya ihhiiiiii….agak malu sie Q beli test pack biz Q kan belon merit hahaha……….pasti penjaga apotiknya toe nganggep Q yang cewek nakal atawa gimana gitchu…..ihhhh mudah mudahan gak………….nah setelah beli toe alat aku pun meluncur pulang dengan si miowng kuning kesayangan Q ( maksudnya motor mio Q )
Sesampainya Q di humz alias rumahku istanaku cie cie……aku pun tak sabar menunggu saat2 kan menggunakannya karena Q ngrasa penasaran yang teramat sangat gelisah Q nunggu malam pun dating, tapi alat itu kan Q Cuma bias pake pas waktu baru bangun soalnya pada waktu kita kencing pertama baru keliatan tuh hasilnya yang lebih akurat tajam dan terpercaya hehehehe……kayak liputan siaran berita di tivi azzzaaaaaaaa…….
Pagi pun dating dag dig dug …. Q mulai beraksi melakukan misi menguji kebenaran alat itu dan Q pun mengeluarkan air seni itu lalu aku tempatkan pada sebuah wadah kecil segera aku buka alat test itu dari bungkusnya srettttt Q ambil alat itu lalu Q celupkan sebagian ujungnya ke dalam air seni Q tunggu beberapa detik dan sreeeettttt dua tanda garis tidur pun muncul yang berarti ooohhhh………. Nonono………..astaga naga??????? Ternyata oh ternyata Q beneran sedang hamilll, seperti ada batu besar banged yang menimpa kepala Q ini sehingga Q tak bias bernafas dengan tenang seketika itu jua Q merasa badan Q lemas tak berdaya aku dibuat oleh hasil yang ditunjukan alat sekecil itu………antara gugup takut kecewa waswas dan panic Q meliat alat itu tapi 5% dalam diri aku belum percaya kalo Q bener2 telah hamil lalu ku ambil alat yang sama aku ulangi lagi dan hasilnya pun tetap sama oh tidak aku pukul pukul perut Q aku tekan tekan kedalam perut Q ini tapi ohhhhh………..tuhan apa yang telah Q perbuat dengan diriku ini………Sesampai di kantor aku pun belum berani bilang sama teman Q kalo aku sudah melakukan test yang ia sarankan kemarin aku masih mengunci rapat rapat mulkut Q agar tak seorang pun tau kalo aku sedang hamil. Dua hari selanjutnya aku pun kembali ke apotik membeli alat test pack yang sama dengan yang aku beli waktu ini, Dan keesokan harinya Q coba lagi dan…..saat Q celupkan slah satu ujung alat test itu ke dalam wadah yang berisi air seni Q tiba tiba srrreeett…………..garis yang sama dengan waktu pertama kali aku menggunakan alat itu pun muncul lagi dan itu menandakan kalo aku memang telah benar2 hamil……………mau tak mau aku pun harus bersiap-siap bilangin ke ortu kalo aku lagi hamil………….


Persiapan Melahirkan

Gak terasa bulan ini sudah memasuki minggu ke 36 usia kandunganku, sejak masuk usia 7 bulan bunda udah belanja perlengkapan baby, jadi klo ada yang terlupa.....bulan depan bisa di cari lagi.....sekarang rasanya perlengkapan menyambut si buah hati udah lengkap.....mulai dari popok kain, diapers, bedong, perlak, handuk, baju, celana, slaber, gendongan, sisir, pemotong kuku, washlap, handuk, selimut, botol dot, pembersih dot, baskom mandi, box, kaos tangan, kaos kaki, topi, kasur, bantal, tas, minyak telon, minyak kayu putih, baby oil, shampoo + sabun, tempat bedak, breast pad, sikat botol, badcover ampe mainanan pun udah disiapin
Selain persiapan2 diatas, bunda juga persiapkan fisik & mental......walaupun agak deg2an tapi bunda selalu berdoa sama Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa selalu dilindungi beserta de2......diberi kelancaran dan kesehatan hingga waktu melahirkan tiba. Untuk fisik bunda tiap pagi bunda jalan kaki ditemani ayah yang kata orang tua sih bagus untuk kelancaran melahirkan nanti, dan supaya bayinya juga cepat turun. Si de2 emang lincah banget di dalam......kadang2 klo dah tengah malam pake nendang2 ampe bunda terbangun karena rusuk bunda rasa kena sodok tapi klo dia lagi diam, bunda suka pancing2 biar gerak2 lagi......enak banget klo udah muter2 dalam perut.....goyangannya bikin geli2 heheheheeee.......ahhhh rasanya bunda nanti akan merindukan saat2 seperti ini.......
Tanggal 13 Juni 2009 bunda udah mulai cuti tapi.....persiapan untuk ke bidan udah siap sejak sebulan yang lalu.....mulai dari nyuci popok, baju, bedong, kaos tangan, kaos kaki, selimut biar semua kotoran dari pabrik hilang & kulit de2 gak terjadi iritasi. Gak lupa nyucinya pake pengharum trus di setrika ampe licin.......trus di simpan dalam tas dech......sekalian juga sama baju & kain untuk bunda......udah ada 2 tas nih......belum persiapan yang lain seperti diapers untuk bunda & de2, peralatan make up, breast pad......
Mudah2an proses melahirkan nanti semua dapat berjalan lancar ASTUNGKARA……


jodoh di tangan tuhan (Johan)

aku punya dunia
duniaku begini
ku punya mata
ku punya telinga

jangan anggap ku batu
yang tanpa perasaan
melihatmu dengannya
aku panas

ku punya dunia
duniaku begini
ku punya hati
punya perasaan
*courtesy of
coba raba batinku
coba tatap mataku
melihatmu dengannya
ku cemburu

cinta mengapa harus rumit
biar begini wanita ku nanti satu
siapa dia biar hatiku yang tahu
ku pasti setia tapi nanti

cinta bisakah jadi mudah
kau bersamanya masa aku harus diam
biar aja kita jalan masing-masing
jodoh di tangan tuhan
biar saja

ku punya dunia
duniaku begini
ku punya hati
punya perasaan

coba raba batinku
coba tatap mataku
melihatmu dengannya
ku cemburu

repeat reff


tendangan pertama dari dalam perutku

Pertama kali kau menyapaku
tanpa suara;
tetapi sangat asih.
Dari diriku yang paling dalam
Di sini
Aku di sini
(F.Rene Van de Carr,M.D)

SEBENARNYA tidak ada yang terlalu aneh pada seorang wanita hamil, kecuali berat badan bertambah 14 sampai 15 kg. Berpenampilan persis seperti pembawa genderang yang takut kehilangan alat tabuhnya dan terbangun di malam hari karena kaki yang nyeri akibat kram. Mual-mual di pagi hari, muka bertabur jerawat, akrab dengan kipas angin, dan rajin ke kamar mandi, hanya itu! Sisanya adalah pengalaman menjalani perjalanan kehidupan yang fantastis selama sembilan bulan.
Sembilan bulan kehamilan penuh dengan hal yang menakjubkan, bayangkan, rahim yang awalnya hanya sebesar buah pir sanggup membesar sampai 15 kalinya, berisi janin dengan seluruh perlengkapan "perangnya", yaitu ketuban dan ari-ari (plasenta). Berjalan dan bangun dari tidur yang sebelumnya tidak pernah ada masalah menjadi hal unik yang butuh trik tersendiri, termasuk bernapas. Hal alami yang tidak pernah terpikirkan sebelumnya menjadi sesuatu yang sulit, terutama menjelang persalinan, saat janin sudah tumbuh dengan besarnya.
Akan tetapi pengalaman terindah dari sembilan bulan yang fantastis tersebut adalah saat merasakan tendangan pertama sang bayi.
Sejak seorang ibu sadar ada sesuatu yang bergerak di perutnya, saat itulah timbul rasa memiliki yang nyata. Memiliki teman setia, sahabat sejati yang menemaninya dalam setiap gerak kehidupan. Menyapa lembut, menyatakan kehadirannya, menyadarkan ibunya bahwa ia membawa amanat anugerah terbesar kehidupan.

Quickening atau merasakan pergerakan bayi, untuk pertama kalinya dirasakan berbeda-beda oleh setiap ibu, kadang dibutuhkan waktu 16 minggu (4 bulan usia kandungan) bahkan ada juga yang baru merasakan setelah 20 minggu (kehamilan 5 bulan). Biasanya tergantung sensitivitas ibu. Yang sudah "berpengalaman" (kehamilan ke-2 dan seterusnya) cenderung lebih peka sehingga menyadari gerakan bayinya lebih awal dibandingkan dengan ibu-ibu yang baru pertama kali hamil. Namun kehamilan yang satu dengan kehamilan lainnya dapat pula berbeda. Seorang bayi mungkin lebih aktif dari bayi yang lain, sehingga pergerakannya bisa dirasakan lebih dini.
Banyak ibu yang menyangka pergerakan pertama kali janin sebagai gelembung gas atau debaran dalam perutnya. Hal ini biasanya sudah diamati selama beberapa hari sebelum ibu tersebut benar-benar menyadarinya sebagai gerakan janin. Pergerakan ini akan menjadi lebih umum dan timbul cukup sering, akan terasa di bawah pusar.
Pada mulanya, gerakan janin tersebut tidak dirasakan setiap hari. Kondisi ini tidak perlu terlalu dikhawatirkan, itu normal-normal saja. Sejalan dengan tumbuhnya bayi, ibu akan merasakan pergerakan menjadi lebih kuat dan kemungkinan besar lebih teratur. Perlu diingat, sensasi pergerakan janin berbeda dari orang ke orang. Begitu pula dengan gerakan setiap janin, berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. Bukanlah hal yang luar biasa bila janin yang satu bergerak lebih sedikit dibandingkan yang lainnya.

Ayo hitung dan bermain!
Tahukah Anda, antara umur kehamilan 20-32 minggu (4 sampai 8 bulan kehamilan) janin dapat bergerak antara 200-500 kali sehari, termasuk menendang, berguling atau bergeliat-geliat. Pergerakan janin biasanya baru bisa dihitung setelah usia kehamilan 28 minggu. Menghitung gerakan dapat membantu ibu menyadari gerak janin yang dikandungnya dan keadaan janin tersebut.
Kepentingan dari menghitung gerakan janin ini adalah agar ibu terbiasa menyadari jika ada sesuatu yang salah pada janin yang dikandungnya. Berkurangnya gerakan janin berkaitan dengan kesejahteraannya di dalam rahim, jika ibu merasakan janinnya kurang bergerak, segera hubungi dokter karena kemungkinan janin ibu mengalami gangguan yang dapat menyebabkan keadaan gawat janin, jika tidak segera diatasi dapat berakibat kematian janin di dalam rahim.

Bagaimana cara menghitung pergerakan janin?
jika ibu mulai menghitungnya katakanlah pukul 8 pagi, maka setidak-tidaknya harus ada sepuluh gerakan bayi hingga pukul 8 malam (12 jam). Jika jumlah gerakan kurang dari sepuluh, segeralah pergi ke dokter.
Manfaat lain dari menyadari gerakan janin ini adalah ibu dan ayah atau anggota keluarga lainnya dapat bermain-main dengan si kecil dalam bentuk permainan bayi menendang. Menurut F.Rene Van de Carr,M.D, dalam bukunya "Cara Baru Mendidik Anak Sejak dalam Kandungan", menendang (bergerak) merupakan cara janin memulai eksplorasi dan belajar sesuatu tentang dunianya. Karena janin mengambang dalam rahim, dihubungkan dengan tali plasenta dan kadang-kadang menyentuh sisi-sisi uterus, satu-satunya cara untuk melakukan kontak dengan dunia luar adalah dengan menendang. Menendang juga membantu memperkuat kaki janin. Menendang merupakan program latihan alami.
Dalam permainan bayi menendang, janin akan mempelajari dasar-dasar menanggapi orang lain. Pemainannya sederhana, jika janin menendang, ibu atau anggota keluarga lainnya dengan lembut menepuk atau menekan tepat pada bagian perut yang ditendangnya, ini merupakan pelajaran interaktif pertama bagi janin, mengajarkan bahwa aksinya akan menghasilkan tanggapan dan merupakan satu cara berkomunikasi.

Sabar ya, Bu!
Pergerakan janin selain membahagiakan ternyata kadang menyakitkan untuk ibu, terutama jika si kecil sudah tumbuh demikian besar dan ruang geraknya semakin sempit. Beberapa janin ada yang sangat aktif selama malam hari sehingga membuat ibunya terjaga, kadang ada yang menendang dan menyakitkan seperti nyeri di bawah tulang iga yang membuat ibunya merasa sesak dan sulit bernapas.
Untuk mengurangi ketidaknyamanan ini tidak banyak yang dapat dilakukan. Ada beberapa tips yang mungkin dapat mengurangi "penderitaan ibu", yaitu:
Pertama, jika ibu sedang beraktivitas beristirahatlah sejenak, kemudian mencoba mengubah posisi di tempat tidur dan berbaring pada sisi lain, misal jika terasa ada tekanan pada iga kanan, berbaringlah pada sisi kiri. Berbaring pada sisi kiri sangat disarankan, namun ada beberapa ibu yang beranggapan jika ia melakukan hal tersebut, si kecil tidak suka dan akan menendang kuat-kuat. Mereka khawatir menekan atau menjepit janinnya tersebut. Hal ini tentu keliru, karena jika ibu berbaring di sisi kiri berarti ibu memperbaiki sirkulasi plasenta dan jumlah oksigenisasi bagi janin. Semakin banyak mendapat energi, semakin banyak gerakan yang dilakukan oleh buah hati kita.
Kedua, hindari berolah raga tepat sebelum tidur karena dapat menyebabkan bayi lebih banyak bergerak.
Ketiga, coba rileks, berendam dalam air hangat, mendengarkan musik lembut, memasang aromaterapi yang bersifat menenangkan, sebagai pilihan terakhir, jika nyeri sekali dapat meminum acetaminofen.
Keempat, jika semua cara dicoba dan ibu tetap merasa tidak nyaman, mungkin yang dapat dilakukan adalah bersabar dan menahannya sampai si kecil lahir.
Pergerakan bayi memang unik, memberikan banyak pengalaman indah untuk ibu serta mengandung arti yang dalam. Selain sebagai latihan secara alamiah mengeksplorasi dunianya, ia menyapa kita dengan halus, tanpa kata-kata, karena itu sapalah dia, biasakanlah merespons setiap gerakannya. Agar ia tahu bahwa ibunya ada di sisinya dan selalu memperhatikannya, karena dari kesadaran yang paling dalam, dia hanya mengingatkan kita, aku di sini, ibu!
from: Dr.Ginna Megawati


“Sampai di hati saja” ( By. BCL )

>> Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Ku coba melupakan dirimu
Namun kau tak mengerti
Berharap semua kan berakhir
Karna ku tlah berdua

Ku akui aku masih menyayangimu
Namun semuanya tak mungkin lagi

Hidup bukanlah hanya memikirkan cinta
Dan tak harus selalu memiliki
Sudah biarkan saja cinta itu ada
Sampai di hati saja

Kisah lama dan membawakan luka
Berurai air mata
Sadari jalannya cinta kita
Tak seindah dengannya


The location of Besakih Temple

The location of Besakih Temple or Pura Agung Besakih is at Besakih village, Rendang district, on the south west of Mount Agung. It is about 1000 meters above the sea level, 44 kilometers from Amlapura, 13 kilometers from closest city Klungkung and 62 kms from the main city of Denpasar.

Perched nearly 1000 m up the side of Gunung Agung is Bali’s most important temple, Pura Besakih. In fact it is an extensive complex of some 23 separate but related temples, with the largest and most important being Pura Penataran Agung. It is most enjoyable during one of the frequent festival, when hundreds perhaps thousands, of gorgeously dressed devotees turn up with beautifully arranged offerings. The panoramic view and the mountain backdrop are impressive too.
Despite its importance to the Balinese, Besakih can be a disappointment to visitors. The architecture is not especially impressive, tourists are not allowed inside any of the temple compound, and the views are usually obscured by mist.

BESAKIH was built on a terraced site where prehistoric rites, ceremonies, and feasts once took place. Perhaps it was here where the spirit of the great, angry mountain, which loomed menacingly above the island, received pagan sacrifices. Certain timeworn megaliths in some of the bale are reminiscent of old Indo-Polynesian structures.
Hindu theologians claim the temple was founded by the 8th century missionary Danghyang Markandeya, a priest credited with introducing the tradition of daily offerings (bebali) and the concept of a single god. His son, Empu Sang Kulputih, was the temple's first high priest.
The first record of the temple's existence is a chronogram dated AD 1007, possibly describing the death ritual for King Udayana's queen, Mahendradatta. This inscription also reveals that Besakih was used as a Buddhist sanctuary. 'Lontar' books dating from the Majapahit Kingdom indicate Besakih's significance during the 14th century, and several 15th-century wood tablets refer to state support of Besakih, confirming its preeminence.
Besakih's central Pura Penataran Agung, the largest on the island, functioned as a funeral temple for the Gelgel dynasty's deified kings and as the central state temple for the entire island. Gelgel rulers are today enshrined in their own temple here, the Padharman Dalem. For centuries worship at Besakih was the exclusive privilege of rajas, not commoners, and the difficult trek here in former times reinforced the ardor of the devotional act.
The great 1917 earthquake destroyed the temple complex, but it was subsequently restored by the Dutch to its original form (only two structures survived this quake). Besakih was again heavily damaged on 17 March 1963 by a Gunung Agung eruption. The complex has since been extensively restored and now encompasses a mix of old and new buildings. Because it is a state shrine, the provincial and national governments pay for its upkeep.
Layout and Design Besakih is a very complex architectural structure venerating the holy Hindu trinity. Via a series of long stairways, the temple group ascends parallel ridges toward Gunung Agung, the honored birthplace of Bali's deities, tantamount to heaven. The temple is continually enlarged as municipalities, regencies, and wealthy honored Brahman families add more shrines. In fact, each caste and kin group, as well as various sects, artisan guilds, and aristocratic families, maintains its own temple inside the complex.
About 22 separate sanctuaries contain a befuddling array of over 60 temples and 200 distinct structures (a map is posted at the top of the road leading from the parking lot). Given the Balinese passion for covering surfaces with carving or paint, it's remarkable most of Besakih's sanctuaries are constructed simply of wood.
The sun god (Bhatara Surya), the god of the sea (Ratu Waruna), and every major figure in the Balinese pantheon is represented here. Each of the island's nine regencies also maintains its own temple within this complex. Curiously, the small, relatively inconsequential 'rajadoms' like Blahbatuh and Sukawati are assigned proportionally large sections, while major regencies like Badung and Gianyar are meagerly represented. The historical importance of the Gelgel kingdom is evident, however, by its assignment to the innermost, central courtyard.
Beyond a great unadorned split gate, a broad terrace leads to a 'Gapura', which opens onto 50 black, slender, pagoda-like 'Meru' temples. The more roofs, the higher-ranking the god or deified ancestor to whom the 'Meru' is dedicated. Long flights of stone steps lead to the main central temple, Pura Penataran Agung, which consists of six rising terraces built on a slope, all connected by gateways. In the third inner court of the central temple is the Sanggar Agung', a beautifully decorated 17th-century triple lotus stone throne representing the divine triad. This is the ritual center of Besakih. Through the clear, fresh air of the topmost terrace, over 900 meters above sea level, is an unsurpassed view over spectacular rice terraces. Behind, thick white clouds hover over Gunung Agung.
Besakih's three main temples, which stretch for over a kilometer, are Pura Penataran Agung (in the symbolic center), dedicated to the paramount god Shiva, or Sanghyang Widhi Wasa; Pura Kiduling Kreteg, honoring Brahma; and Pura Batu Medog, dedicated to Vishnu. The longitudinal axis of this complex points directly 'Kaja', toward Gunung Agung's peak to the northeast.
Farther up the mountain is another compound, Pura Gelap, the "Thunderbolt Temple." Highest, in the pine forests of Agung's southwest slope, is austere Pura Pengabengan.

Religious Ceremony
There are various ceremonies which are conducted in Besakih temple. There are 12 ceremonies conducted every 210 days. This is based on Hindu - Java calendar which is consisting of 30 months and one month consist of 7 days. Each temple complex has its own ceremony based on this dates.
Special ceremony based on Çaka year is conducted 6 times a year. This ceremony is called “Ngusaba ", a kind of blessing ceremony. At the other village temples in Bali this type of ceremony is also conducted in relation with rice harvesting, especially in the regency of Gianyar. During the Ngusaba ceremony in Gianyar there is a very long procession of girls dressed in Balinese traditional costumes, and women with offering on their head, followed with deafening sound of Balinese traditional music.
A ceremony called “Betara Turun Kabeh " is conducted every year.” Betara Turun Kabeh “means all gods are presence. This is the biggest yearly ceremony. While a ceremony every 10 years called “Paca Wali Karma” and a ceremony every 100 years called “Eka Dasa Rudra".
All dates for above ceremony can be known in December for the following year, when Bali calendar has been issued. Normally Bali calendar already at the shop latest by December every year.


Benefits of Whey Protein

In recent years, the subject of whey protein has come up often in health discussions. Know what whey protein is, its possible benefits and side effects and more as you read on.
What is Whey Protein
Whey protein is actually a term used to describe a group of globular proteins that can be separated from whey. When cow’s milk is used to manufacture cheese, it also leads to the production of whey, which may or may not be discarded. It is a mixture of lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and serum albumin.
Similar to protein found in egg white, whey protein can also be irreversibly changed by heat. When made part of the pasteurization process, it becomes less bio-active. If not, whey protein naturally becomes bio-active which basically means it contains a high concentration of cysteine and consequently glutathione, an antioxidant that is essential to improved fitness and health.
Bio-active whey protein is an active source for protein but exposure to extreme heat can easily reduce the amount of cysteine in it without affecting its protein content and basic food value. Native whey protein
What Makes It Good for the Body
Because whey protein contains an inordinate amount of essential and non-essential acids, it frequently plays a prominent role in most low-carb and high-protein diets. Another reason for this is because of its low content of fats and of course, carbohydrates.
Why Pregnant Mothers Love Whey Protein
A number of OBs have advised their gravid patients to increase their intake of whey protein because it will provide the basic amount of amino acids needed by the growing infants inside their bodies. An increased intake of whey protein will naturally improve and speed up the development of the baby. Also, increased intake of whey protein will indirectly improve the immune system of the baby. In its growing stages, it is highly vulnerable to different types of illnesses. With the help of whey protein, it grow faster and better and more equipped to defend itself against any health complication.

Whey Protein for Bodybuilding Enthusiasts
For bodybuilders, muscle growth is everything and that’s why they love whey protein so much. Studies have satisfactorily proven that whey protein can lead to acceleration of muscle development. This is welcomed news especially for bodybuilders who are only a few weeks away from the date of competition but is still in high need of muscle growth.

How it Helps Athletes Busy Recovering from Old Injuries
In this case, whey protein saves the day once more because it can be used to supplement diets of individuals who are suffering from compromised immune systems. Basically, it helps athletes heal faster and feel better.

A Weapon against Degenerative Diseases
Although you can’t truly say that any disease is less painful than the other if both have life-altering consequences, it is an inarguable fact however that degenerative diseases are one of the worst health complications to suffer from. These illnesses tend to subject people to a protracted form of suffering and with symptoms with increasing levels of severity. They commonly affect three systems in particular: the nervous system, the muscular system and the skeletal system.

Although rarely curable, degenerative diseases can be treated through chemotherapy, surgical operations and the proper diet. Whey protein is often a part of this diet because of its rehabilitative benefits especially when it comes to muscle growth. Cancer, diabetes and AIDS have symptoms that causes muscle strength and growth to deteriorate – an undesirable effect that can be combated with increased intake of whey protein.

Where to Buy Whey Protein
Are you sufficiently convinced of the benefits of whey protein then? If so, you should be happy to know that you can avail of commercial whey protein product in most supermarkets and specialty food stores specializing in healthy food.

Ending with a Warning
Whey protein is good for the body – no doubt about it – but too much consumption of anything is never beneficial. Too much intake of whey protein can lead to unnecessary complications of your liver. And need we remind you that the liver is the next most important organ in the body? Lastly, lactose intolerant individuals must consume whey protein isolate rather than the normal variety as the former has less lactose content.


Benefits of Fish Oil for Fitness and Health

When the words oils and fats are mentioned, health-conscious individuals tend to run for cover. What they fail to realize is that there are good fats and bad fats. Complete avoidance of intake of oils and fats would actually be detrimental – rather than beneficial – to their health.

The Truth about Fish Oil
Essential fatty acids must always be part of our daily diet – without them, we take one step closer to our deaths. Essential fatty acids are divided into two families: omega-6 EFAs and omega-3 EFAS.

Although there are only very slight differences to distinguish the two groups of essential fatty acids from each other, studies have revealed that too much intake of omega-6 EFAs can lead to inflammation, blood clotting and tumor growth. The good news, however, is that the opposite is true for omega-3 EFAs. Omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils while omega-3 EFAs can be found in fish oils among other foods.
Omega-6 vs. Omega-3
Physicians and scientists are of the same opinion that the cause behind increasing cases of heart disease, hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, premature aging and certain kinds of cancer is none other than an imbalanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs.

As mentioned earlier on, omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils. This includes but is not limited to corn oil and soy oil, both of which contains high amounts of linoleic acid. Omega-3 EFAs on the other hand can be found also in marine plankton and walnut and flaxseed oils. It should be significant to take note that fatty fish and fish oils contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), fatty acids that have been observed to provide many benefits to the human body. In the early 1970’s, a study on Greenland Eskimos have revealed that one of the major reasons why they rarely suffer from heart diseases is because of their high-fat diet (mainly composed of fish).

The two essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are also helpful in preventing atherosclerosis, heart attacks, depression and various forms of cancer. Fish oil supplemented food have also proven to be useful in treating illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Other Benefits of Fish Oil
There are a lot more illnesses and situations in which intake of fish oil has proven to be significantly beneficial.

Making the Heart Healthier
The heart is inarguably one of the most important parts of our body and having an unhealthy heart means having to suffer a rather limited lifespan. Naturally, it’s in our best interests to keep our hearts happy and healthy and one way of doing that is eating food that contains fish oil.

In Athens, Greece, for instance, a study was made to show if there was a direct relationship between high fish diet and inflammation of blood vessels. The results revealed that those who ate more fish than the others had a lower level of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, factors that are commonly used to measure likelihood of blood vessel inflammation. These benefits remained even when the various risks associated with high fish diet were taken into account.

Fish to Become Thin
In Perth, Australia, a study had revealed that fish consumption can be used against hypertension and obesity. Researchers of the UWA (University of Western Australia) have discovered that a weight-loss diet which includes a regular amount of fish consumption can be quite effective in reducing blood pressure and improving glucose tolerance.

Fish Oil to Combat Asthma
People suffering from respiratory problems like asthma tend to be perceived as unfit and unhealthy. They should now be pleased to learn that certain studies have revealed the benefits of fish oil for asthma-burdened-individuals. Statistics show that approximately 20 to 25% of children today suffer one form of asthma or another at a certain point in their lives. And certain evidence reveals a regular diet of food with high linoleic acid content as the reason behind it.

Researchers of UW (University of Wyoming) conducted a study by subjecting a number of children to a high-fish diet while others continued with their regular diet. Results revealed that the participants who ate more fish were less prone to asthma attacks and were able to breathe more easily as well.

Consult Your Nutritionist Now
Nothing is good when consumed or used excessively but complete avoidance of a particular food type is equally harmful as well. Ask your nutritionist for the right amount of fish intake for your age and health status.


Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes

One of the most undemanding and the most workable ways to knock over blood sugar amount, eliminate the dangers of “cardiovascular disease,” and perk up health and welfare in general is exercise.

In spite of that, in today’s inactive world where almost every indispensable job can be carried out online, from the ergonomic chair in front of a computer, or with a streaming line of messages from a fax machine, exercising can be a hard argument to win over.

The Weight of Exercise

Everyone should exercise, yet the health experts tells us that only 30% of the United States population gets the recommended thirty minutes of daily physical activity, and 25% are not active at all. In fact, inactivity is thought to be one of the key reasons for the surge of type 2 diabetes in the U.S., because inactivity and obesity promote insulin resistance.
The good news is that it is never too late to get moving, and exercise is one of the easiest ways to start controlling your diabetes. For people with type 2 diabetes in particular, exercise can improve insulin sensitivity, lower the risk of heart disease, and promote weight loss.

Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is on the rise. The number of people diagnosed with diabetes every year increased by 48% between 1980 and 1994. Nearly all the new cases are Type 2 Diabetes, or adult-onset, the kind that moves in around middle age. Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes include increased thirst, appetite, and need to urinate; feeling tired, edgy, or sick to the stomach; blurred vision; tingling or loss of feeling in the hands.

The causes of type 2 diabetes are complex and not completely understood, although research is uncovering new clues at a rapid pace.

However, it has already been proven that one of the reasons for the boom in type 2 diabetes is the widening of waistbands and the trend toward a more deskbound and inactive lifestyle in the United States and other developed countries. In America, the shift has been striking; in the 1990s alone, obesity increased by 61% and diagnosed diabetes by 49%.

For this reason, health experts encourage those who already have type 2 diabetes to start employing the wonders that exercise can do for them. Without exercise, people have the tendency to become obese. Once they are obese, they have bigger chances of accumulating type 2 diabetes.

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that over 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are clinically overweight. Therefore, it is high time that people, whether inflicted with type 2 diabetes or not, should start doing those jumping and stretching activities.

Getting Started

The first order of business with any exercise plan, especially if you are a “dyed-in-the-wool” sluggish, is to consult with your health care provider. If you have cardiac risk factors, the health care provider may want to perform a stress test to establish a safe level of exercise for you.

Certain diabetic complications will also dictate what type of exercise program you can take on. Activities like weightlifting, jogging, or high-impact aerobics can possibly pose a risk for people with diabetic retinopathy due to the risk for further blood vessel damage and possible retinal detachment.

If you are already active in sports or work out regularly, it will still benefit you to discuss your regular routine with your doctor. If you are taking insulin, you may need to take special precautions to prevent hypoglycemia during your workout.

Start Slow

For those who have type 2 diabetes, your exercise routine can be as simple as a brisk nightly neighborhood walk. If you have not been very active before now, start slowly and work your way up. Walk the dog or get out in the yard and rake. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the back of the lot and walk. Every little bit does work, in fact, it really helps a lot.

As little as 15 to 30 minutes of daily, heart-pumping exercise can make a big difference in your blood glucose control and your risk of developing diabetic complications. One of the easiest and least expensive ways of getting moving is to start a walking program. All you need is a good pair of well-fitting, supportive shoes and a direction to head in.

Indeed, you do not have to waste too many expenses on costly “health club memberships,” or the most up-to-date health device to start pumping those fats out. What you need is the willingness and the determination to start exercising to a healthier, type 2 diabetes-free life.

The results would be the sweetest rewards from the effort that you have exerted.


Custom Golf Club: Custom fitting golf clubs

Every golfer's physical capability and swing is distinctive. Many of today's best golf clubs can be custom fit for lie angle, shaft type and length, grip type and size. Custom fitting golf clubs involves several easy measurements and a quick self-assessment of your game. This custom golf club has become more than a fad that even not so professional golfers test its waters.

Custom fitting is the process for tailoring a golf club to suit your personal swing.

Whatever your level, with a custom golf club the aim is to ensure that if you do make a good swing, the club will be square at impact and should produce a straight shot.
Custom Golf Club How To's:

To custom fit your golf clubs, you need to know: your gender (male or female); your height in your stockings or socks; the distance from your wrist (where it bends) to the floor with your shoes off; your age; your handicap or skill level; how fast you swing a golf club; what club you use at the 150 yard marker.

Gender is used to put you into the correct fitting scale for custom golf clubs. The golf industry uses different definitions of "standard length" for men and women.

Your height and the distance in inches from your wrist to the floor are used together to determine the length of a custom golf club that is appropriate for you. The starting point for club length can vary up to 3 ½-inch ranging from ladies to men plus 1 ½-inch. A tall person with long arms can very easily require shorter clubs than an average height person with short arms. About 80 percent of golfers are standard length.

Your age, handicap (if you happen to have one), self-assessed skill level, estimated golf swing speed and club you use at the 150 yard marker are all combined to determined the custom golf club's shaft flex that is appropriate for you.

Custom fitting can fix your slice. If you slice the ball it means that the toe of the club is leading into the ball which opens the face of the club. That may be down to a swing fault, but it could be because the club is too flat. So as part of the custom fitting process you can make the custom golf club more upright to help with this. This will mean that the toe of the club will be slightly off the ground at address to compensate.

There are different methods of fitting according to custom golf club manufacturers but ultimately they are all trying to improve your game. To begin with simple measurements such as wrist-to-floor, height and hand size are taken and will point you to the right size club and at what angle it should be to the ground. Then you will take a club and hit some balls. One method is to place impact tape on the bottom of the custom golf club and an impact board on the floor.

As you hit the ball the board will leave a mark on the tape showing whether the heel or the toe of the custom golf club is striking the floor first. The resulting mark will show whether the club face needs to be flatter or more upright. Then things get a bit more advanced. Analysis equipment can measure everything from your club speed to the side spin of the ball so that you can get maximum distance from your shot. You can also measure the launch angle of the ball, how much backspin you generate and impact efficiency - all which affect distance. The angle in which the custom golf club approaches the ball and the sidespin of it can help fix your game too.

Rather than bringing down your old clubs, it might be better to start from scratch. It's a big misconception that custom fitting is only for good golfers. Anyone can benefit. That said, if you plan to upgrade a new set of clubs with the same manufacturer they may be able to adjust your old set to become custom golf clubs.

Custom fitting won't cure all your bad shots. Coaching will sort that out. But if you do make a good swing, then the custom golf club will arrive correctly at impact and should produce a straight shot at your target. That alone will save shots during a round.

Lastly, custom fitting is often free of charge. But it is usually on the condition that you buy some clubs once you've been fitted. So it really depends on what your budget is. If you're prepared to buy a new set of clubs it's definitely worth getting fitted.


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